
Learn how to create stirrups and experiment the difference between the  Stirrup command and the  offStirrup object.
  • Draw a 300mm, wide 450mm high rectangle and make a copy of it.
  • Open the AutoRebar Settings .
  • Check the Scale 1:10 option under the Scale tab.
  • Uncheck the Draw local dimensions option under the Dimensions tab.
  • Start the Stirrup command ; confirm 10 millimetres for the bar diameter and 30 millimetres for the concrete cover.
  • Click the top-left corner and the bottom-right corner of the rectangle to insert the stirrup in the concrete section.
  • Run the offStirrup command and repeat the sequence on the second rectangle.
  • Select the first stirrup and try to stretch the grip points. Notice that the second stirrups reacts differently
  • Double click the first stirrup and change the offset-to-cover and/or diameter properties. The stirrup shape is lost because it is made of a Rebar object bent into a stirrup shape.
  • Double click the second stirrup and change the offset-to-cover and/or diameter properties. Notice that the offStirrup object maintains the correct geometry.
Note: the  Loop command allows the creation of circular stirrups.